Perfect Matches vs. Other Matches was designed to provide each user with a variety of ways to locate the perfect roommate, and one of the strongest tools we offer in this regard is the Matches section. This section of your account shows you other users you've been "matched" with which were identified using the power of our algorithms combined with your profile preferences, and these customized Matches are meant to give you the highest likelihood of a successful roommate connection. 

At this time, offers both Perfect Matches and Other Matches (both of which can be accessed through the "Matches" page in each account). 

Perfect Matches are based on the profile information and roommate preferences you have specified in your account. They aim to provide a list of users who closely align with your established roommate preferences.

On the other hand, Other Matches are designed to identify users whose information and preferences closely align with yours, albeit with some flexibility in the matching process. This means that even if their stated age and room features do not exactly match your preferences, they may still be presented as Other Matches.

The purpose of Other Matches is to expand the pool of potential roommates available to users. If you are open to some flexibility in your search criteria, we recommend exploring your Other Matches to review a larger selection of potential roommate candidates in your area.

If you ever find that your Matches don't display as many potential roommate candidates as you'd hope to locate, not a problem! We strongly recommend editing your profile in order to broaden your preferences (if possible) in order to locate more Matches.

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