Edit Your Profile
We understand that needs change over time, so it may be necessary to edit your Roommates.com profile in order to adjust your roommate preferences, edit the specifics of the room(s) you're offering for rent, or change up your uploaded photos. Not a problem! You're free to edit your profile at any time (provided that you've already completed email verification and phone verification for your account).
To edit your profile:
- Login to your Roommates.com account (if you haven't done so already).
- Click your profile photo or circular avatar in the upper-right.
- Click "Profile" at the bottom of the Notification Menu which appears below. This will redirect you to your profile and enable you to look it over.
- Click "Edit Profile" at the top of the page.
- Next, click any of the profile sections near the top (Where, Who, You, and Photos) in order to review/edit information specific to each section. If you're looking to add a bit of text to describe yourself, your available room(s), or your overall preferences/requirements, you can do so through the "Tell us a little more about yourself!" text field presented through the "You" section of your profile.
- Once done editing information in each section, click "Save" at the bottom of the page.