What is Roommates.com?

Roommates.com is the nations top roommate matching service and has been since 2001. With its recent upgrade, it has never been faster or easier to find a roommate. Millions of successful members have found the perfect roommate making awesome memories with their new best friend while also saving cash at the same time. Our goal is to help you live your best life, and your roommate should be somebody who helps you accomplish that. Our Perfect Match™ service matches you with you with you with somebody who matches your needs, and you match theirs! Simply put, if you're a 22-year-old student with a puppy who doesn't want to share a bathroom, we'll show you members who match your needs. However, if you’re one who prefers to explore your ALL your options, you can always browse other members who aren't necessarily “perfect matches” because hey, sometimes opposites attract! Stop rooming with a less than perfect roommate, and share a place with your Perfect Match™ by using Roommates.com. 

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