Why Are My Matches Outside My Age Preference?

You may have noticed that some of your Matches include users who fall outside your stated age preference. This is because Roommates.com offers two types of matches: Perfect Matches and Matches.

While Perfect Matches meet all of your stated roommate preferences, including age, Matches are designed to be more flexible—meaning they may include users outside your specified age range. This flexibility helps expand your pool of potential roommates in case you have some openness regarding age.

Perfect Matches vs. Matches

  • Perfect Matches meet all of your stated roommate preferences, including age. You’ll see them labeled as "Perfect Match" on their profile card on your Matches page.
  • Matches align with most of your preferences, but may fall outside your stated age range. They are labeled simply as "Match" on your Matches page.

Can I Remove Matches Outside My Age Preference?

If you prefer not to see a specific Match outside your preferred age range, you can use the block option to dismiss them from your results. For step-by-step instructions on how to block users, check out our Report and Block Users Help Center article.

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